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Friday, 28 December 2012
How To Tell If A Woman Is Ready For Your Kiss - And How To AVOID Rejection...
Know what?
I used to have NO CLUE how to tell if a woman was ready to be kissed...
I could be sitting there talking to her, thinking to myself "Wow, her lips really look nice..." but I didn't know what to do next. This would often leave me kissless, and many times kissless for good, as I didn't get another chance.
And, of course, this drove me NUTS.
I can't tell you how many chances I missed to have interesting, fun, sexy women in my life... all because I didn't know how or when to go for the first kiss.
Sound familiar?
But through a TON of trial and error, I've now figured out a way to know FOR SURE when a woman is ready to be kissed.
In fact, I've developed a "technique" that literally guarantees I'll never get rejected when I decide the time is right to "go for it." And I want to teach it to you right now.
Here's what I do...
If I've been talking to a girl and want to know if she's ready to be kissed, I'll reach over and touch her hair while we're talking and make a comment about it. I'll say "Your hair looks so soft" and just touch the tips of it.
Now let's hold up right here, because this is key...
If I see that a woman is receptive to what I'm doing at this point... that she's "responding positively" by allowing this "innocent" physical contact... it's game on.
If I see that she's smiling and drawing closer as I touch her hair instead of tensing pulling away, I can take it as a SURE SIGN...
She's "FEELING IT"...
...that irresistible, unstoppable emotion called ATTRACTION.
But listen... if she does pull away at this point... or shows any sign that she's not into it... that's when I know to STOP and move on. And YOU should, too. This isn't about forcing anyone to do anything.
But if she's smiling at me... relaxing her face and her body... leaning into me instead of pulling away... then here's what I'll do next:
I'll reach back over and start stroking her hair some more.
But this time, I'll glance down at her lips, back up to her eyes a couple of times. Reinforcing in her that there's a CONNECTION happening between us.
I'll continue touching her hair... letting my lips get closer to hers... but not touching. Basically, just amplifying that first spark of attraction that I now know FOR SURE that she's feeling.
And I can tell you, this is a powerful thing. It's affect on women is UNBELIEVABLE.
This kind of "testing" is EXTREMELY stimulating to women... escalating the SEXUAL TENSION almost to the point that they'll be in actual pain if you leave them hanging.
And guess what...
By now, she'll be more than just "okay" with my kissing her... If she hasn't pulled back, she's probably feeling such intense feelings of ATTRACTION that she'll probably be the one who tries to kiss ME! And then...
Well. You get the picture.
Bottom line:
By using "The Kiss Test," I can find out FOR SURE if a women wants to take things to the next level... all in a way that's completely "innocent" and non-threatening...
Plus, I haven't acted in any way that she can object to, so there's NO RISK OF REJECTION.
But VERY best of all...
I always know within the FIRST 5 MINUTES if a woman's ready to be kissed, so I don't waste hours and days trying to figure out "if she likes me"... or just regretting that I "wussed out" and didn't "go for it."
And believe me... I know that feeling. And I know all that constant wondering and self-doubt TOTALLY SUCKS.
That's why, if you feel like "The Kiss Test" might CHANGE EVERYTHING for you when it comes to "making your move" with a woman, I'm here to tell you it's really just the tip of the iceberg...
The "Kiss Test" is just one way to recognize the signs and signals of ATTRACTION in a woman --and EXACTLY what to do with them...
Want to learn a ton more?
There's a place you can go RIGHT NOW to do it...
My eBook, "Double Your Dating" is literally jam-packed with DOZENS and DOZENS of tips, tools and techniques for moving FAST from "Does she like me?" to "She can't get enough of me"...
Downloading it FAST AND EASY. You can be putting it to work for YOUR success with women in just a few minutes, so click here
How to Get Her Number in Minutes
By David DeAngelo
I perfected the art of getting phone numbers a couple of years ago.
If a woman is single, I can walk up to her and get her number in about a minute or two (if I’m in a hurry). I found out later, after working like a mad scientist on this, that GETTING PHONE NUMBERS ALONE DOESN'T EQUAL SUCCESS.
When you call a woman for the first time, she’ll often start acting stand offish or even worse, just plain rude. It’s almost like she’s a different person than the one you met.
I’ve found that getting an EMAIL address is not only easier, but it gets more positive responses later on. It’s almost as if women appreciate it that you’ve taken the time to think about what you’re going to say when you write an email to them and they think of you more like someone they know.
Here’s How to Get a Woman’s Number Fast:
After I’ve talked to a woman for about 3 or 4 minutes, I’ll often say something like “Well, it was nice meeting you. I’m going to get back to my friends.”
They usually don’t know what to do, as they’re used to guys clinging to them. Most of the time, they say “It was nice meeting you too…”Then, just as I’m turning to walk away and we kind of disconnect, I turn back and say “HEY! Do you have email?”
The “HEY!” is a bit surprising and “Do you have email” is non-threatening. In fact, I’m technically asking her if she HAS email, not if she’ll GIVE IT TO ME.
If she says “yes,” I take out a pen and paper and say “Great, write it down for me” and I have her write it down. (This is great, as I just treat the ‘yes’ that they give me as a yes to get it from them as well. And they’ve almost ALL gone along with it so far) Then AS SHE’S IN THE MIDDLE OF WRITING, I say “Write your number down there too.”
When you ask for an email, it’s very low risk for a woman, so she’ll think “Fine, I’ll do that.” Most women will give out an email address without thinking about it, because they know that they can choose later to just not answer.
The magic of asking them to write their phone number down WHILE they’re in the middle of writing down their email is all about the psychology of human behavior.
She’s already mentally said “OK, I’ll give you my email address”… and she’s in the middle of writing it down. When you say “And just write your number down there too” it’s only NATURAL to just write it.
I’ve gotten to the point where I can often do this in a minute or two - no kidding!
In other words, it’s a MUCH smaller step than giving out the phone number all by itself. It took me a LONG time to figure out this simple move, but it works! You will have women writing their phone numbers down without even thinking twice.
Like I said, I’ve tried all kinds of things. And I’ve gotten hundreds of phone numbers. And I use this exact sequence every time I talk to a woman and I want to get her phone number. I’ve gotten to the point where I can often do this in a minute or two - no kidding!
Note: Carry a pen on you at all times. I prefer the Fisher Space Pen (chrome) because it’s small, classy, and women love it!
And if you’re reading this and saying to yourself, “Man, I want to get MORE of these tips so I can get more numbers and dates than ever,” then you really need to go get a free trial of my Double Your Dating eBook.
I’ll share with you the secrets that thousands of my readers all over the world are using right now to meet women and get more dates. You’ll learn how to approach women, how to get more dates, places to take women that are fun and FREE instead of paying for expensive dinners, how to get physical with women, and a lot more.
It’s time for you to get this part of your life handled - so you can walk up to ANY woman confidently, and have the best chance possible of walking away with her number. In my book, I’ll show you EXACTLY how to do this, step by step… and a whole lot more.
Go find out how to download your copy right here:
The eBook is here: Double Your Dating Free Trial
The Surprising Truth About What Attracts Women
I'd like to talk about a concept that is rather difficult for most men to “get”.
Ironically, it's a concept that's rather easy to understand, but because it's so illogical and “ counter intuitive” it's also easy to miss entirely.
It's understanding what attracts women.
And what I'm about to share with you took me literally YEARS to figure out… even though it was right in front of my face the whole time.
When I first decided to get this area called “ Women and Dating” handled in my own life, I did what I think most guys do… I THOUGHT a lot about it, I READ a lot about it, and I ASKED a lot about it.
I've spent a lot of time studying psychology and human behavior, because it fascinates me… and I figured that all of my understanding about how people worked would really give me an advantage in this quest I had started.
And since I think I'm pretty smart, I figured that this would be something that I'd get figured out rather quickly.
Well, what a humbling experience I was in for.
As I soon learned, it's not easy to solve an illogical problem by thinking about it logically!
In fact, now that I know better, I think that attraction IS rather logical… it's just that how it works is so UNEXPECTED that it SEEMS illogical. But for now, let's just use the term “illogical” because it forces the mind to put aside pre-conceived notions of what “should” happen
As I was trying to figure all this stuff out for myself (and keep in mind, I had no idea that I would later write a book to help others) I kept running into challenges.
It seemed that every logical thing I did just didn't work in a way that made sense.
I was doing everything I could imagine to be a nice, sweet, great guy… but women just didn't seem to respond to me the way I wanted
It only made sense that since men are attracted to looks and sweet personalities that women should be too … right?
So, of course, I tried to work this angle by wearing nice clothes, doing nice things for women, and being the NICEST guy you could ever meet. I was accommodating to the extreme. I would do whatever a woman wanted, and basically accepted whatever flaky or manipulative behaviors she used with me.
But since none of that stuff seemed to really help at all, I just kept coming to the same conclusion:
I was doing everything I could imagine to be a nice, sweet, great guy… but women just didn't seem to respond to me in a “sexually attracted” way…
“It must just be me that's the problem,” I thought.
Well, fortunately for me, I'm not one to quit easily.
I stuck with it, and I finally did something that had a PROFOUND impact on my personal success…
When I think back now, I think to myself “DUH!”
But it REALLY made a huge difference.
Here's a big revelation I learned from them:
Men are more attracted to physical traits, and women are more attracted to PERSONALITY traits.
Men are instantly attracted to the sight of a young, shapely female body. As a man, you know that this process happens instantly and “all by itself”, meaning you don't really have a choice in the matter
Well, WOMEN are attracted when they interact with a man that has certain QUALITIES and PERSONALITY TRAITS
Think about that for a moment.
Men become attracted to what they can see. Women become attracted by what can NEVER be seen.
Do physical looks, money, fame, power, height, age, etc. play into this at all?
Of course they do.
But they're not NEARLY as important as most men think they are.
To sum up…
- Attraction is different for men than it is for women
- While men are attracted mostly by physical traits, women are attracted mostly by PERSONALITY traits.
Women don't decide who to feel attracted to with their logical minds. They “decide” with their emotions and then make up reasons and rationalize it.
Attraction Isn't a Choice!
This is why some men attract women so well, while others don't… and why ANY man can improve his success with women DRAMATICALLY, no matter what his looks, age, or income.
I'd like to share with you a lot more of what it takes to attract a woman - so I've set it up so you can get a no-risk trial copy of my eBook, “Double Your Dating”. You'll learn EXACTLY what it takes to communicate with women so attraction happens fast… and so you're NOT going to be seen as “just a friend” again.
Wednesday, 26 December 2012
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