Monday, 25 November 2013

The True Cost in Damages & How Much to Re-build Obamacare Website Now Coming Out - See more at:

By Nigel J. Covington III
Editor in Chief
<National Report> The $394,000,000 Obamacare website that the American people paid for is officially broken. Good thing Congress acted in the best interest of the American people by approving the new debt deal which has no debt ceiling and will not be re-negotiated again until February. That’s three months of having the most free-wheeling big spending president in history handing out blank checks signed by the American people.

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Giving Obama a no debt-ceiling through February is like giving a drunken 16 year-old on crack the keys to the car. But I believe this is exactly what the American people need right now. You see according to Obama’s recently hired ‘Tech Surge,’ the “A-Team,” of damage control, who represent the world’s best computer experts from Google, Red Hat and Oracle have stated the Obamacare website was built on 10 year-old technology and it is a disaster that will cost the American people untold millions to salvage. How long will it take for these top paid experts to fix the White House’s broken computer? No one knows.
So the timing is perfect to give the president a blank check signed by you & me so that he can spend millions upon millions more to wash away his shame and embarrassment and who knows… maybe one day have the technological part of the Affordable Care Act up and running.
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And there’s more good news… based on recent spending trends including the U.S. government’s all-time record shattering $328 billion debt increase last Thursday, one day after Congress bowed like faithful dogs to their master and approved this new unlimited debt ceiling deal, Obama will burn through another $700,000,000 by February.
As it has become the trademark of the Obama Administration its no surprise that the White House has largely declined to disclose information about the problems. What does this mean for the American people?
Well no one wants to discuss that, after all having a black president in the White House allows white Americans to cleanse themselves of that nasty stain of slavery created generations ago that today would never be tolerated regardless of race. Instead lets all bury our heads in the sand and gloat in the comfort and warmth provided by this historical moment in time. In fact lets make it that anyone who merely disagrees with any of the president’s policies be branded as racist hater for life.
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That way the only voice heard in the nation today that even utters a hint of disagreement with Obama is the voice of the racist Klan from decades ago. That after all is what America stands for… freedom; freedom to disagree with Obama policy and pay the ugly price of being branded KKK by the liberal Democratic filth that has seize control of America and rapes its citizens daily with impunity. Take it back or take it in the rear, in Obama’s America there is no third option. - See more at:

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